Monday, December 17, 2012

Production work....

Ok well seven boards might not be full on production but for me its the largest (in pieces) order that I have had so far. Everything passed the smoke test but I still need to make sure functionally they work.

I shipped out the large MP3 board to the customer last week. Waiting to hear back to see if they like it etc. Hopefully I will hear something soon.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Touchy Touchy

Once I got the audio portion figured out I needed to make sure that communication to the LCD worked. Well it works....kind of. I had to solder on a jumper wire for my board to receive data from the screen.

I can now detect that the screen was touched but need to work on the code to actually get positional data. After that I'll be working on the UI layout for the client.

After this project is done I think I might build be an integrated amp using this touchscreen and the amp. Should be fun!